Electric Vehicle Association (EVA)

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Driving into a Cleaner Tomorrow: Utility Incentives for Electric Vehicles

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is accelerating, fueled by growing environmental awareness and government commitments to reducing carbon emissions. Though support for early adopters is here today, the opportunities won’t last long. Now is the time to take charge!

Utilities are playing a pivotal role in this shift by offering various incentives that make owning and operating an EV more accessible and cost-effective. These programs encourage EV adoption and also support the development of charging infrastructure and cleaner energy usage. 

Why provide incentives?

Many states have EV goals because they recognize the importance of reducing carbon emissions. For example, Massachusetts aims to have 200,000 EVs on its roads by 2025, and New York aims to reach 850,000 EVs by the same year. 

At National Grid, we're doing our part across our Massachusetts and New York service areas to support the electric vehicle transition. We are one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the U.S. — playing a vital role in connecting 20 million people throughout New York and Massachusetts to the energy they use. As part of our EV initiatives, we're investing in infrastructure upgrades, such as public charging stations and charging depots for fleet-operating customers, education, programs, and incentives that help make the switch to EVs simple, smooth, and affordable.

What types of incentives are provided?

  • Residential Incentives: Often reduces charging expenses and/or lowers the overall charger installation costs.

  • Multi-Unit Dwelling Incentives: Typically helps building owners to reduce the cost of installing chargers for residents to use.

  • Public/Workplace Incentives: Makes adding chargers more affordable for businesses, schools, parks, travel destinations, government, and other institutions.

  • Fleet Incentives: Supports the transition to all-electric light, medium, and heavy-duty vehicle fleets, including school and transit buses, trucks.

National Grid is doing its part to power the EV revolution in New York and Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Residential Offerings

  1. EV Charging Upgrade Program: This program provides rebates for upgrading home wiring to support EV charging. 

  2. Off-Peak Charging Program: By enrolling in this program, customers can earn rebates by charging their EVs during designated off-peak times.

  3. Turnkey EV Charging Installation Program: This program connects eligible residential customers with a designated vendor to complete the installation of EV charging stations.

New York Residential Offerings

  1. EV Charge Smart Plan: Customers can earn monthly participation and enrollment incentives by easily and smartly charging their EV within the convenience of their home during off-peak hours.

  2. Voluntary Time-of-Use (VTOU) Rate: This rate structure provides customers the opportunity to reduce electricity costs when shifting their whole-home electricity usage to off-peak periods, including their EV charging.

Start your drive to a sustainable future: visit the National Grid Electric Vehicle Hub to learn more about EVs and explore the specific financial incentives you could receive.

Multi-Unit Dwellings, Public/Workplace, and Fleet Offerings

National Grid offers business customer incentives in both Massachusetts and New York to add charging stations to a variety of use cases, spanning all industries while also providing complimentary fleet advisory services for fleets of any size.
Learn more here about the Make Ready programs in Massachusetts and New York, encompassing National Grid’s commercial EV offerings.