Fully Charged LIVE and EVA - success!
Fully Charged LIVE 2022: Complete with e-catamaran cruises and a whole lot more!
The September Fully Charged Live San Diego event, the first such gathering in the U.S. for the London-based company since before the pandemic, was an impressive success, and the Electric Vehicle Association had a big part in that.
“We were thrilled to be able to support this incredible event. I’m so glad that Fully Charged Live returned to the US,” said EVA President Elaine Borseth. “Thanks to our EVA team and our newest chapter leader, John Martinson of the Scottsdale chapter, the EVA space looked amazing. John had his Tesla Model 3 wrapped, featuring the EVA logo and it was the centerpiece of our space. We couldn’t have been more pleased with the turnout. It was great to connect with members and chapter leaders from all over the country.”
The EVA offered cruises on this electric catameran
Along electric avenue
The EVA provided 15 cars for Live’s “Electric Avenue,” significant because none of the major carmakers participated. New EVA business member, James Richmond of First Note Finance provided a dozen hybrid electric catamaran cruises in San Diego Bay to approximately 100 members and others.
Several EVA board members were featured in panel discussions, Borseth participating in “Electric Vehicle Charging—Home & Away,” led by Jack Scarlett and Robert Barrosa of Electrify America. Board Member and former EVA president April Bolduc joined conference host and Fully Charged Live founder Robert Llewellyn, as well as Chelsea Sexton, to discuss “Is California leading EVs from the front?” She was also on the panel “Do we have enough clean energy to electrify everything?”
EVA President Elaine Borseth participated on the vehicle charging panel
EVA Board Member Dr. Shelley Francis joined Miss GoElectric and Kitty Adams of Adopt-a-Charger on “Women’s vital role in the transition to EVs,” and EVA member Russell Corbin discussed “What the FUD? And how to fight it,” about how to combat fear, uncertainty, and doubt when it comes to EVs.
EVA space
Borseth noted that many event participants joined the EVA, and that the organization added three new High Voltage business members.
“Our Aptera event was one of the highlights of the week-end,” said Borseth. “A good time was definitely had by all.”
The Aptera 5 outside the San Diego Convention Center