New Chicago Metro EVA Chapter Looks to Accelerate EV Adoption
The Chicago Metro EVA Chapter, led by Arthur Burton, is moving forward after its first event in April. (Credit: Lloyd DeGrane / for the Energy News Network)
Grant Gerke, Senior Writer, Electric Vehicle Association
In March 2023, the Electric Vehicle Association (EVA) welcomed the Chicago Metro EVA Chapter to the family. Arthur Burton is the President of the Chicago Metro EVA, owner of AMB Renewable Energy in Chicago, and a National EVA board member. His work revolves around infrastructure improvements – solar contracting and installation – involving the grid, and he thought the city needed more education on EV technology since the Chicago metro area is large and has numerous collar counties.
The Chicago Metro EVA kicks off its first event in April 2023.
The local EVA chapter is located in Hyde Park in Chicago, and for years the only other EVA chapter was located outside of the city, in Naperville, about 25 miles from Chicago. “I didn't see many people driving from the city to the Fox Valley EVA meeting or an EV event,” says Burton. “And most EV drivers will drive anywhere for a nice event.”
The timing for the Chicago Metro chapter’s first event was ideal, as the Drive Electric Earth Day events were coming up quickly. The EVA chapter and Arthur were able to use a church parking lot – the Chicago St. Paul & the Redeemer – for its first Drive Electric Earth Day event in April. The event was a great success as more than five electric vehicles and more than 24 attendees came to the event on Saturday, April 15th.
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The electric star turning heads at the event was the Zero Motorcycle.
The electric Zero Motorcycle arrives at the DEED event in April 2023.
“We had the Zero Motorcycle at the event, and that was exciting to see,” says Burton. “The event was a baptism by fire for me, but I picked up a lot of insights from EVA on how to do it.”
For Arthur, this meant hitting milestone dates for submitting your DEED request, getting event kit materials, and ensuring your public announcements are made three months in advance. Burton thought it was a success, with many of the owners at the April event answering questions about driving experiences, new EVs, solar, utility incentives and processes, and EV charging.
Accelerating EV Adoption in Chicago
Arthur lives in Hyde Park on the south side of Chicago, and many EV enthusiasts in the city worry about access to enough EV charging stations. “My friends say they don’t see many charging stations in the area, and the lack of any consistent education or messaging is not helping EV adoption in the city,” says Burton.
Arthur is excited to change these perceptions and provide this growing chapter with more EV education opportunities at upcoming events. Plus, Arthur is the ideal President for this chapter, as he’s been working on charging station installations as a contractor in the Chicago area.
In Chicago, Burton has seen many delays in installing DC fast charging stations due to utility backlogs, especially with transformers. “There are some real issues with the supply chain and from a project manager perspective by the utility,” says Burton.
EVA Assistance
Arthur mentions that EVA chapter leadership meetings have been constructive in answering questions about Chapter functions or social media. The National EVA holds EVA office hours via Zoom for members and chapter leaders each Friday. EVA members can ask questions on various topics related to the association.
Find the National EVA on Social Media
The National EVA Association is an excellent resource for information on EV charging, new models, and EV ownership as we amplify EvA local chapters' unique stories. Contact the EVA if you have questions about your chapter’s social media channels.